About District Panchayat and its function

The Rural Development and Panchayati Raj Department is responsible for the implementation of various Centrally Sponsored and State Schemes for poverty alleviation, employment generation, sanitation, capacity building, women’s social and economic empowerment, apart from provision of basic amenities and services. The Department is also entrusted with the responsibility of enabling the various Panchayati Raj Institution (PRIs) to function as effective Units of Local Self-Government.

The 4th General Election to the 2-tiers Panchayati Raj Local Bodies in East Kameng District was held on 22nd December 2020 under Arunachal Panchayati Raj Act 1997 and 11 Election since the promulgation of the repeated NEFA Panchayati Raj Regulations,1967 throughout the length and breadth of the district for electing 13 Zilla Parishad Members comprising of 10 males and 3 Women and 401 Gram Panchayat Members consisting of 220Male and 181 Female from 127-Gram Panchayats. The female representing 45 % of the total elected representatives exceeding 33% women reservation.

Devolution of Powers to Local Self Govt.(2-tier PRI System).

3Fs – Functions, Funds & Functionaries


  1. Functions:In 2014, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh devolved 29-Subjects to PRI System vide Notification

No.PR-21/2006, Dtd 19th Feb’2014 (As in eleventh Schedule):-

  1. Agriculture, including agricultural extension.
  2. Land improvement, implementation of land reforms, landconsolidation and soil conservation.
  3. Minor irrigation, water management and watershed development.
  4. Animal husbandry, dairying and poultry.
  5. Fisheries.
  6. Social forestry and farm forestry.
  7. Minor forest produce.
  8. Small scale industries, including food processing industries.
  9. Khadi, village and cottage industries.
  10. Rural housing.
  11. Drinking water.
  12. Fuel and fodder.
  13. Roads, culverts, bridges, ferries, waterways and other means ofcommunication.
  14. Rural electrification, including distribution of electricity.
  15. Non-conventional energy sources.
  16. Poverty alleviation programme.
  17. Education, including primary and secondary schools.
  18. Technical training and vocational education.
  19. Adult and non-formal education.
  20. Libraries.
  21. Cultural activities.
  22. Markets and fairs.
  23. Health and sanitation, including hospitals, primary health centresand dispensaries.
  24. Family welfare.
  25. Women and child development.
  26. Social welfare, including welfare of the handicapped and mentallyretarded.
  27. Welfare of the weaker sections, and in particular, of the ScheduledCastes and the Scheduled Tribes.
  28. Public distribution system.
  29. Maintenance of community assets.


  1. Funds:on 27th January 2022 State Govt. made historic Financial Devolution of 10% State Own Revenue (SOR) Grants to PRIs in “SPICE MODEL” which stands for Sustainable, Participative, Inclusive, Comprehensive and Empowerment (SPICE) amounting to Rs 123 Crores in the FY 2022-23 & Rs 143.11 Crore in the CFY 2023-24 respectively.The PRI system is already accessing funds from Central Finance Commission Grants & Rastriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA) .


  1. Functionaries: 1255 numbers of Contractual employees are functioning at grass root level /field level since their appointment under 12th FC -13th FC period out of which 72 are in the East Kameng District.

They are playing key role in preparation of Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) & Zilla Panchayat Development Plan (ZPDP) though People’s Plan Campaign for Panchayat Development Plans

(PPC-PDP),their implementation and accounting etc.

3.(a) Planning Process: The Panchayat Development Plans (PDP)  i.e. Gram Panchayat Development Plan (GPDP) and  Zilla Panchayat Development Plan/District Panchayat Development (ZPDP/DPDP)are done in People’s PlanCampaign  mode beginning from 2nd October (Gandhi Jayanti) in every  financial year.The Planning is in online mode (gpdp.nic.in), Mission AntyodayaPortal (missionantyodaya.nic.in) andeGramSwarajporal(egramswaraj.gov.in). Implementation is done thought Progress reporting App (mActionsoft) and payment by DSC system. Auditing is also in online mode. This year (2023-24)  Planning  is being prepared in LSDG based Thematic Panchayat Development Plans under 9-Themes where Sankalp is taken in Vibrant Gram Sabha.

1 Poverty Free Panchayat.

2 Healthy Panchayat.

3 Child-friendly Panchayat.

4 Water-sufficient Panchayat.

5 Clean & Green Panchayat.

6 Self-sufficient infrastructurein Panchayat.

7 Socially secured Panchayat.

8 Panchayat with Good Governance.

  1. Women friendly Panchayat


3.(b) Schemes Implementing: –At present the 2-tier PRI System in Arunachal Pradesh is implementing: –

  1. Central Finance Commission Grants (15FC):-15th FC Grants are sharing in Panchayats in the ratio of 70 : 30

i.e., 70% Grants to Gram Panchayat and 30% Grants to Zilla Parishad for both tied and untied components.

  1. RGSA: – Capacity building &Training, construction of Panchayat Bhawan cum Common Service Centre at GPs

and District Panchayat Resource Centre at District Level (DPRC) under this CSS.

iii.State Own Revenue (SOR) Grants: -10% of state own revenue is being given to PRIs since 2022-23

financial Year onward.


Sectoral Working Committees (SWCs)  fully placed at 2-Tiers PRIs

Gram Panchayat Level

  1. Chairperson Gram Panchayat- Chairman
  2. Member Secretary Gram Panchayat – Member Secretary
  • All Gram Panchayat Members(GPMs) – Members
  1. Frontline workers & officers of the line departments attached

to the concerned block of the Gram Panchayat                            – Members

At Zilla Parishad Level

  1. Chairperson Zilla Parishad – Chairman
  2. Deputy Commissioner – Member
  • PD Cum DPDO – Member Secretary
  1. All Zilla Parishad Members                         – Members
  2. All the HoDs of the line Departments – Members
  3. Hon,ble MLAs – Members

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