Agriculture is the principal occupation of the people of this district. The cultivation process adopted is primitive and at subsistence level which is popularly known as ‘JHUM’ or shifting cultivation is insufficient and provides food for approximately 6 to 7 months. Paddy, Maize and Millet are importance crops grown in this district. ‘RANGBANG’ is also commonly used as diet by puroik tribes which inhabits predominantly in Chayangtajo, Sawa and Khenewa circles.


To augment the food production, the Agriculture department and CD/IRD blocks at Seppa, Chayangtajo, Bameng and Pakke-Kessang started Agricultural schemes with introduction of permanent cultivation. The Agriculture department and CD blocks provides plough bullocks to the improved cultivators through various schemes, like subsides schemes, IRD Bank Loan schemes etc. improved seeds, fertilizers, improved tools implement and plant protection chemical, equipment to the cultivators on

subsidy basis to increased crop yield. Irrigation is also providing to the field through channel.

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