The administrative setup is based on single line, aims to keep a close cooperation and thus work together. Entire district is divided into 2 (two) sub-division, viz. Seppa and ChayangTajo and nine Administrative Circles. These are Seppa, Pipu-Dipu, Pakke-Kessang, Lada, Seijosa, Richukrang, Veo, Gyawepurang and Dissing Passo recently.

The Deputy Commissioner being the overall head of the district maintains law & order with the help of SP and Police force. At village level, villagers have their own customary law and administrative system in form of village council comprise of Anchal Member and GaonBurah and their Member.

The Sub-Divisional Officer and Extra Assistant Commissioner are working as Ex-officio of Block Development Officer of the respective block.

The Sub-Divisional Officer and Extra Assistant Commissioner are working as Ex-officio of Block Development Officer of the respective block.



As per 2001 census East Kameng district has comprised of 310 villages having 57,179 persons out of which 28,802 are Male and 28,377 are Female. The sex ratio is being increased from 962 females per 1000 male in 1991 and 985 females per 1000 males in 2001. The average density of population is also increase from 12 persons per sq. km in 1991 to 14 persons per sq. km. in 2001 census. The decadal growth rate of the district is 13.46 persons. The most concentrated and populated area is district Head quarter Seppa having 15,002 persons. The literacy rate is also increase from 26.20% in 1991 to 40.60% in 2001.

  TABLE NO.1                                                                                 

Name of Circle Population as per………… Literacy rate
Total Population Male Female Total Population Male Female
Chayang Tajo            




To develop the particular region the communication is the main factors. The district HQ Seppa is connected by a 213 KMS. all weather road with Tezpur, Sonitpur District of Assam. Nearest Railway station is Bhalukpong, West Kameng District at a Distance of 148 KMS. And nearest air port station is salinibari of Sonitpur District of Assam at a distance of 200 KMS. Out of other 13 (thirteen) Administrative Circles only Seijosa HQ is connected by all weather road with NH-52 running alongwith North Bank of Brahmapatra river of Assam. The distance of Seppa and Seijosa Via Balipara is 249 KMS. Seppa is also connected with Chayang Tajo and Bameng by a fair weather road with a distance of 81 KMS. and 46 KMS. The Seppa-Itanagar road Via Sagalee is under construction and it is likely to be completed shortly. Now the A.P state Transport Bus flying upto 33 KM at Bana. The circle officer’s HQ Lada and Pipu-Dipu are yet to be connected by roads.


The Arunachal Pradesh state Transport Bus services started in the year 1982. At present there are 12 (twelve) Numbers of Buses at station Seppa and Tezpur and flying on Seppa-Tezpur Road only. During the financial year 2007-08, the A. P. State Transport Department earned 41.18. Lakhs as revenue.




The East Kameng District having 13 nos of post offices in various locations, out of 13 Nos. post offices 1 (one) at District HQ Seppa and 1 (one) Sub-Post office at Seijosa. The remaining 11 numbers are functioning as Extra Departmental Branch post office and attached with CO’s office in the respective circle HQ in this District.


In addition to post office, 2 (two) Telephone exchange is also functioning at District HQ, Seppa and Seijosa with S.T.D. facilities. At present, there are 1393 Nos. of telephone connections in Government offices and private. And 4389 nos. of Mobile connection facilities also provided in the district.




Before Arunachal Pradesh Police posted in the district, the Assam Rifles and Central reserved Police force were functioning in the district to assist the political officer (Deputy Commissioner) for maintaining law and order. Means of communication with the circles Headquarters through wireless. At Present the Arunachal Pradesh Police is functioning in the district HQ and 5(five) Police stations/police out post at ChayangtajoSeijosa, Seppa, Namorah and Bameng to assist the civil Administration.


The Arunachal Pradesh Police has 5(five) wings, viz. Civil police, Force service, Special Branch, wireless and Arunachal Pradesh police Battalion section. All the wings are under the Administrative control of the superintendent of Police to assist the law and order of the District Administration. There are 3(three) police Station at Seppa, Chayangtajo and Seijosa and 1(one) police out post at Bana. All police Stations and out post are connected with District HQ by WT Net APP. During the reference period, there are 147 police personnel are serving the different ranks in the district.


In addition to Arunachal Pradesh police the Central Reserved Police Force is also attached to civil Administration. The CRPF personnel are working at District HQ Seppa only.



The District is still different supply of power. One Micro Hydel project was constructed at Seppa with an installed capacity of 200 KW and this hydel project will be opened shortly. 3 Nos. of Diesel generating sets with a capacity of 840 KW at Seppa, 96 KW at Chayangtajo 24 KW at Bameng, 24 KW at Pakke-Kessang and 125 KW at Seijosa. In addition to meet up the shortage of power, the NEPCO Hydely project is also provided 100 KW to East Kameng District the Supply power from NEPCO Hydel project is not supply regularly.






The age old Traditional system of diagnosis and care by worshiping the evil spirit is still prevailing in the local community. But gradually efforts have been made to educate people on the benefit of using the modern scientific method. There are 1(one) District Hospital at Seppa, 2(two) Homeopathic Dispensaries 1(one) at Seppa another at Seijosa, 31(Thirty-one) Health Units/Public Health Dispensaries are functioning in the district.

The District is also covered various National Programmes, Expanded programme of Immunisation, Mother and Child Health care Programme and family welfare programme etc.




Education enlightens human outlook and broadens a person’s acuities by way of full and meaning development personality and thereby benefits the society in general. A part from this education plays a vital role for economic growth. Efforts have been made to make the people realize the need of sound education.


Education facilities were made available to the people free of cost, free distribution of books and uniforms upto Primary level and free Hostel facilities and others incentives to encourage the people to sent their children to the school.


Besides, few promising students are sent to various institutions outside Arunachal for schooling and various Technical Colleges.


At present there are 3(three) Govt. Higher Secondary Schools, 7(seven) Secondary schools, 33 (thirty-three) Middle schools, 81(eighty-one) Primary schools and 25 (Twenty-five) I.V. Schools functioning in this district. To increase the literate percentage and eradicate illiteracy the education department opened the Adult education centres in various place of this district. The programmes are sponsored by Central and State Govt. under central schemes jointly.


In addition to the State Govt. institutions, there are 2 (two) nos. of Govt. aided schools namely LalBahadurShastryBalNiketon at Seppa, Vivekananda Kendra Vidyalaya at Seijosa and 1 (one) central schools namely JawarNavodayVidyalaya at Seppa.





Agriculture is the principal occupation of the people of this district. The cultivation process adopted is primitive and at subsistence level which is popularly known as ‘JHUM’ or shifting cultivation is insufficient and provides food for approximately 6 to 7 months. Paddy, Maize and Millet are importance crops grown in this district. ‘RANGBANG’ is also commonly used as diet by puroik tribes which inhabits predominantly in Chayangtajo, Sawa and Khenewa circles.


To augment the food production, the Agriculture department and CD/IRD blocks at Seppa, Chayangtajo, Bameng and Pakke-Kessang started Agricultural schemes with introduction of permanent cultivation. The Agriculture department and CD blocks provides plough bullocks to the improved cultivators through various schemes, like subsides schemes, IRD Bank Loan schemes etc. improved seeds, fertilizers, improved tools implement and plant protection chemical, equipment to the cultivators on

subsidy basis to increased crop yield. Irrigation is also providing to the field through channel.



The climatic condition of East Kameng district is very conductive for horticultural development, diversity of land type, typical topography and peculiar agro climatic condition provides vast scope for growing for both temperate and subtropical horticultural crops. Previously, the horticulture department was under the supervision of District Agricultural Officer, Seppa. For speedy development in the field of Horticultural development, November, 1992 the Horticulture department stated independently with new creation of District Horticultural Officer for repeat dev elopement of Horticulture.




Since 1981, this department started its functioning independently at the district level by the direct supervision of the Superintendent of Fisheries. Now, it is re-designated as the District Fisheries Development Officer.


The Fisicultureprogramme has a directly impact on socio-economic enlistment of the people of this district. It has been experiencing that due to great headway in the development of Pisiculture in the district, villagers from far long area taking keen interest to lake-up various fishery schemes. With the availability of infrastructural facilities a considerable number of fish ponds has been constructed in the district. Total water area development as on 31-3-2008 is 104.3Hect. Since the fingerlings are not easily available items, the department has been supplied 100,000 numbers of fingerlings to the needy Pisiculturist in the district during the year 2007-08




Livestock plays an important role in the economy of the local people of this district as economic status of a person and bride price are determined by the number of Mithun. Livestock that the local people rear are mainly Mithuns, Cows, Goats, Poultry Birds and Pig etc. Milking of cows is practically unknown to the local people. The Veterinary and Animal Husbandry department has taken intensive programme to develop the livestock. The department extends free treatment to the livestock and Lake Preeantionary measures to protect them from various diseases.


At present there are 7 (seven) Veterinary Dispensaries, 7 (seven) Veterinary Aid Centres, 12 (twelve) Cattle Farm functioning at Seppa. In addition to the above, 1 (One) Diagnostic Laboratory is also functioning at Seppa.




The activities of Forest Department started in this district with its Range at Seijosa. It came into being fully be gradually expansion like upto Divisional Forest Officer.


At Present there are 2 (two) Forest Division viz. Seppa Forest Division at Seppa, Pakhui Wild Life Sanctuary at Seijosa. Each of the above Forest Divisions is having 4 (four) and 3 (three) Forest Range respectively.


In addition to above, Seijosa and Namorah, which is under central of Khellong Forest Division with, headquarter at Bhalukpong under West Kameng District. As on 31-3-2008 this district has 86161.26 hectors under protected Forest.


During the year 2007-08 total outturn of fuel is 20.0 cm/tone. The forest department earned Rs. 143744/- as Forest revenue during the reference period.



The main tasks of Rural Works Department are related to constructing of rural link road, installation of solar street light, electricity to rural remote area and construction of building etc.






The Public Health Engineering previously under control of the Executive Engineer, RWD and Arunachal Pradesh PWD. Now the Public Health Engineering working independently under control of the Executive Engineer, PHED, Seppa. The main tasks of Public Health Engineering department are to provide drinking water supply to the people.


So far 198 Nos of recognized villages/urban centres has been provided with rural water supply facilities.




The Water Resource Department previously under control of the Executive Engineer, RWD and since 1996 this department independently functioning under the administrative control of Executive Engineer, WRD, Seppa. The WRD is undertaking various schemes like Irrigation provision to the progressing farmer and soil observation etc. During the year 2007-08, 368 hector of net area irrigated by different source in East Kameng District.




Cottage Industries play an important role in the tribal society. And most of the local people of this district have their own traditional skilled in the field of handicrafts. To promote the tribal arts and crafts, the department is giving a stress to motivate the local people in under going comprehensive training in different arts and crafts and encourage them to take up cottage and small scale industries.


There are 2 (two) craft centres at Seppa and Chayangtajo respectively with knitting, weaving, cane and bamboo and carpentry etc. and 6 (six) weaving unit centres running independently at Khenewa, Bameng, Lada, Pakke-Kessang, Pizirang and Pipu Administrative Centres.


During the year 2007-08 all together 17 persons were trained in the different crafts centres. The total annual outturn is Rs. 100050/- and sale proceeds Rs. 61,175/-.


With a view to habit of roaring Eri worms among the local tribal people for making Eri cloths by themselves a sericultural demonstration centre was set up during the year 1980-81 at Pampoli, 8 Kms away from the

district HQ, Seppa. Eri clothes are prestigious symbol for local Bangni (Nishing) people, which they purchases from plains of Assam. During the reference year 2007-08, 75000 Kgs. of Eri cocoons and 1500 Kgs of Mulbary product at sericulture demonstration centre at Pampoli.




The Co-operative movement was started in the district during 1964 with opening one Co-operative General Store at Seppa. Now there are 17 nos of Co-operative societies in East Kameng District.


The Seppa LAMP is being the principal Co-operative Societies Ltd. has been entrusted with the responsibility of feeding the people of this district and it is distributed through its Fair Price Shops at various locations in this district.







The agency was set up and registered as society in 1st April, 1983. Prior to that all rural development programme has been implemented by the Deputy Commissioner, through development branch of this office. General body of the District Rural Development Agency consist of 19 (Nineteen) members having representative from the development including President, Vice-President, Zilla Parishad and MLA’s of this district.


The Agency is directly connected with Planning implementation and monitoring of schemes under IRDP/TRYSEM/DWCRA/JRY/EAS/ACD etc. while its responsible only to co-ordinate existing 7 (seven) CD/IRD Block under technical guidance and supervision of the district technical heads.




The new 20 points programme presented to the Nation by the former Prime Minister Late Indra Gandhi. The ICDS programme is mainly deal with to develop local tribal women and children through opening of AnganwadiCentres in village level. To render the services among women and children, there are 296 AnganwadiCentres functioning in the district.


During the year 2007-08, the following ICDS services have been achieved.


Supplementary of Nutrition programme.


Health checking.

Health and Nutrition Education.

Pectoral services.

Pre-school Education.




As on reference year all together 2 (two) Branches of State Bank of India functioning in this district one at Seppa and another at Seijosa. In addition to State Bank 1 (One) Arunachal Pradesh State Co-operative Apex Bank Ltd. is also functioning at District Headquarter Seppa.


During the year 2007-08, 53341.93 Lakhs has been deposited in the various bank at Seppa and Seijosa. State Bank is also providing loan Rs. 3633 Lakhs to the interested youths for various commercial purposes.




The information and public relations department is only a Media in between public and Govt. under the control of District Information and Public Relation Officer, there are 3 (three) projection units are functioning at Seppa, Chayangtajo and Pakke-Kessang. Through these units, Documentary films screening relating developmental activities achieved by other status.


In addition to above projections units 1 (one) Central Govt. projection unit is also functioning under supervision of Field Publicity Officer, Seppa and Administratively Central directly from Central Govt.






The major tribes inhabiting in this district are Bangni (Nishing), Aka, Mazi and Puroik. They have their own dialects, customs and religion. Each of the community observed their traditional festivals. The main festival is “NYOKUM” of the Bangni (Nishing) and the “SARAK” of the Aka’s, “PUNGKALAM” of Mizi’s and “GUM-KUM-GUMPA” of the Puroik’s.


So far, the Socio Economic Status the mostly backward and poorest of all the tribes in this district are Puroik (Sullong). To improved the social economic status, the Govt. has taken up various developmental schemes for provides dwelling houses, under re-settlement programmes, Drinking water facilities, reclamation of land etc.


To avoid the evil practice of all societies and to preserved traditional custom and religions, the youths of this district a society namely “DISTRICT SOCIO-CULTURAL ORGANISATION” to achieve participation of the society.




The law of consumer protection act has been brought into force in the country with a view to assuring protection to consumer rights. Accordingly, efforts are being made to bring into force for various provision of the consumer protection act, 1986, such as standards of weight and measures, Preservation of Food Adulteration etc. The Legal Metrology department is functioning at Seppa for verifying weight and measures.




The Economic and Statistics Department has been functioning independently since 1980. Prior to that, the department was under supervision of District Statistical Officer, Seppa and administrative control of Deputy Commissioner, Seppa. The Economic and Statistics department deals with collection of data on State Domestic Products (SDP), Fortnightly and monthly retails price, vital statistical events and registration of Births and Death and issue of Births and Deaths Certificate and bring out annual publication highlighting on the developmental activities achieved by the various heads of department of this district. This department is also working a wing of National Sample Survey organization (NSSO) New Delhi for both State and Central for conducting Socio-Economic Survey on various subjects.



In East Kameng District has 1 (one) District Library and 8 (eight) sister libraries functioning under supervision of District Librarian, Seppa. Further the 8 (eight) sister libraries divided into 3 (three) categories i.e. 1 (one) Block Library at Bameng, 1 (one) Sub-Divisional Library at Chayangtajo and 6 (six) Circle Libraries at Pipu-Dipu, Pakke-Kessang, Seijosa, Lada, Sawa, and Khenewa. The District Library having the following Books.

English                        :           7089

Hindi                           :           4925

Assames                      :           2465

Bengali                        :           1933

In addition to the above books there are 5 (five) nos of English newspaper and 4 (four) nos of Periodical Papers available for the readers